Selasa, 27 November 2012

OMIAGE..from my Japan Friends

Arigatou gozaimasu my friends for Omiage. I hope can meet with you.. Japan...I'm Coming ^^.

 Panflet iklan Hitachi Arashi,saputangan ikan*tau aja ku suka ohchan..^^*gantungan kunci kucing ^^. ^^*arigatou nachumi ^^* and brosur FUJI TV nih..kerjaan istri AIBANIK nih..*.^^*

comic kaibutsu, travel book arashi dan 5thn Arashi ^^,thank's miss Gunma ^^

Poscard Tokyo Tower, photoofficial Ohno face Down and Sho-kun Love rainbow
*Thank's dianty and teh nieca ^^

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