Senin, 12 November 2012

Skin Winamp Arashi Part 2

Membuat mendisain skin winamp tidak mudah...mencocokkan warna menu dengan warna background agar sesuai dan menarik..butuh ketelitian*hmm..makin menarik* yaps..hasilnya skrng lebih Full Colour..^^ Yaps..sekarang ku mau share kembali hasil skin winamp buatanku..moga kalian suka..^^*

* So you can use winamp skin is, before you've setting your winamp clasicc..okay..! ^^.
* This skin is only for your personal use.
*If you want to share skin winamp this  to your blog or website, Don't forget to include the name of the
  owner of the blog and link sources that make this winamp skin.

Skin Winamp Arashi POPCorn, Let's this click >.<

Skin Winamp Aiba, Let's this click >.<

Skin Winamp Sho, Let's this click >,<

Skin Winamp Jun, Let's this Click >,<

Skin winamp Ohno chan,let's this click >.<

Let's this click >.<

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